I met her when I was looking for artists for Printing Paws! We got to know more about each other in our every day work on the site, but you never know enough about a person, so I thought, I need her to confess me every secret! Lol. So here we are...
Get yourselves comfortable and find out more about this awesome artist, writer and friend.
Q: I think that I need to start talking about graphics with you 'cause we met thanks to our mutual love of creating banners. Ready? I'm gonna start with an easy one. What led you to start making banners?
A: I always wanted to have graphics for my stories, but didn’t know how to get them. I only knew of 2 artists at the time (Mist and Nikita). A friend of mine was a consultant for a digital scrapbooking software company, and when I got married , she gave it to me as a gift. I was in the process of making books for my personal photographs when I realized that I could edit photos with it. I really started making them because I didn’t know how else to get them! *lol*
Q: We have to thank your friend for getting you that software! If it weren't for her we would have missed your beautiful creations! By the way, what programme is it? And how did you learn how to use it?
A: As I mentioned, I started using scrapbooking software called Creative Memories. It was mostly trial and error; my early banners were very crude. I cringe looking my early ones!! They were mostly floating images with softened edges. *shudders*
Q: Come on! I'm sure they weren't that bad! But one thing is true, time and lots of practice make perfection! Your banners are gorgeous now, how long have you been 'practicing'?
A: Um… I think it was 2011? I did a few banners for myself, and then entered my “den” on JBNP for the Den Pimping contest during the 2nd Anniversary contest.
Q: That was a long time ago! Do you remember what was the first graphic you’ve ever made?
A: Oh god. I’m not sure if it’s the first, but it’s close. I actually don’t remember, but this was one of the first 5 or so…. Geez, it’s so awful!!! *lol*
Q: I don't think this is awful! Your style has improved, yes, but I think this is still good! You've done lots of banners by now, is there a particular genre, pairing or theme you enjoy making graphics for?
A: I only make Twi graphics as of now, but wouldn’t be opposed to helping authors with any OF book covers they might need. I’ve had a few friends ask if they were to e-pub, if I could help.
Q: That's fantastic! I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I definitely would if the cover is made by you! I'll be tunned to hear more news about this, but for now, which of your banners are you most proud of and why?
A: Hmmm. That’s an interesting question. I like many for a variety of reasons.
This is my first successful manip. I was very proud of it.
This is one of my favorites as well. It’s just always appealed to me. The story was never written, but I love it just the same.
I love this one because the Bella photo was originally B&W, and it was fun recoloring it, and adding the dirt, since Bella was homeless in this story.
I love how these 3 came out so simply, but were beautiful still.
I love it 'cause it came out so sexy! *lol*
Q: Wow! They are beautiful! And you used very different techniques in each of them! What do you enjoy more during the process of creating graphics? What do you dislike the most?
A: I like making things that are pretty. I have zero creative abilities, really. I can’t draw, or take nice pictures… I used to sing, but sinus issues as an adult have really impacted that. I could tell someone how to make something look pretty, but can’t actually make it happen myself *lol*
Dislike is pretty obvious. I don’t like when I can’t make what I see in my head happen. That’s frustrating. And hard to please people are just as frustrating - I’ve had authors ask me to make 384202784 changes and/or then never use it. Please don’t ask me to spend my time to make you something and then not use it. It’s just so rude.
Q: I know what you're talking about! Some people just don't realize the time and effort put in each graphic! But let's talk about nice things! What inspires you when creating?
A: Everything! Music, movies, books… I like to look at sites like FicPics to see if there are styles I haven’t tried before. There are so many talented artists in the FF world!
Q: Yes! The fandom is full of talented girls! Do you have any favorite artist(s)?
A: You! Obviously :-) A few artists I’m fond of seem to be leaving or have left, including Morrigan, La Push Starlight. Morrigan made me an AMAZING banner for my Paul/Bella. I’ve always thought PMU (now mewlingquimlover, right?) was an amazing artist as well. She has a great ability to make amazing digital paintings. Ysar always has great work as well. There are many current and past artists in the Twi fandom that are amazing.
Q: You mentioned some amazing artists here! Mandy (PMU) makes beautiful drawings. You mentioned you can't draw before... do you create any other graphics apart from banners?
A: I can’t draw *lol* I made vids for another fandom back in college, but it was SO MUCH work to collect video clips. I’m sure it’s different now, but I couldn’t keep up long term.
I’ve made many manips (some better than others *lol*). I’d say maybe 50% of my banners have a manip in them. I have done many buttons and blinkies, though not as many recently. Most of my buttons/blinkies were for sites to use as affiliate icons or on twitter for profile pics.
Q: Your manips are beautiful! The ones you shared before were gorgeous! I fell in love with the Leah/Embry one, if it didn't have a story yet, I would have taken it for me. *laughs* So, you've been creating for a while now, would you mind sharing some of your wisdom? What do you recommend for new graphic makers?
A: *lol* Wisdom? I’m not sure I have any of that!! But to anyone that’s looking to try something new - keep practicing! My early banners were absolutely AWFUL (some I still get mad at!), but if you enjoy something, never give up! I’ve been away from the fandom a lot recently, but I’m very glad to be back and be involved again. It’s supposed to be fun!
Q: We're so glad to have you back! If someone wants to request a graphics from you, how can they contact you?
A: Email (goldengirl2707@gmail.com), Twitter (@goldengirl2707), FFn (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2462192/goldengirl2707), or of course, PrintingPaws!
Q: Printing Paws! Just the topic I was looking for to talk about! PP was a project we started together which you are in charge of now. Would you mind describing what's the blog about for all the people who haven't heard about the site?
A: Printing Paws is the first wolf-centric graphics request site. Authors or wolf girls can request buttons, story banners, manips, blinkies, or backgrounds for their site profiles, twitter, profile pics, etc etc. We also have an adoption center, where authors can choose a pre-made banner to have customized for their story. Most of what we get are requests for banners for stories, but we’ve done other things as well!
We’ve also done challenges, for both writers and artists. Paws & Art has been hosted 3 times now. In this challenge, authors are asked to write O/S’s inspired by our adoptable banners. We’ve also had graphics challenges, where artists are given a prompt and asked to create a banner based on that prompt.
AND!! I have to say thank you to you as well - I’ve been so very glad to have worked with you. You’ve done so many amazing things, for both me and the Twi art world. You are well loved, and for good reason!! As the founder of PP, you’ve given me so many good things to work with and to continue to build on.
Q: Oh, thanks! Since the moment I saw your work, you had me, and I wanted you for this project so I should be the one thanking you for accepting coming on board! So tell us, you've just started as the head-admin of the project, are there any new things going on in the blog?
A: Right now I’m working on getting everything up to date. The fandom is always changing! I’d like to add some more affiliates, especially personal blogs and websites. So many authors have their own spaces where they post, and I’d like to work together to get more traffic to the authors that have helped us so much in the past.
Q: That sounds fantastic! The blog was quite lonely for a long time, it'll be great to see it coming to life again! What should we check out on the blog?
A: Definitely! We’ve just updated and added new adoptables in our Adoption Center.
And people should check out our past challenges and contests. We’ve had some amazing entries!! They can find those under our “Challenges” drop down menu.
All of our Paws & Art entries and winners can be found on the blog.
Q: Any future plans for the site?
A: I’m also interested in working on some art-only awards in the fandom. As the first (and I still think only!) wolf pack graphics site, I’d like to bring some more recognition to artists in the fandom. Every Twi Awards I’ve seen focuses almost completely on authors, and I’d like to do something to spotlight the artists, and give authors a chance to say “THANK YOU” to the artists that have helped them by nominating their work.
Q: Oh, that would be amazing! There are so many talented and hard-working artists and so little recognition in awards! Apart from the awards, is there anything else you'd like to share about the site?
A: As I mentioned, I’d love to add some new affiliates, especially authors who’ve opened their own blogs. I’d also love new ideas about projects, features, etc that people would like to see. I’d also like to bring in some new artists - being out of the fandom for the last few months, I’m not sure who the new artists are!!
Q: Authors, if you have a blog, contact her for affiliation! Come on! Well, I think we pretty much covered the part about the site and your beautiful art. I don't know the rest but I wanna know a bit about you... How did you end up in the world of fanfiction?
A: I wrote FF for another fandom in college. After reading Breaking Dawn in 5 hours, I realized that there had to be more. All that build up couldn’t have been for nothing, right?? I loved Edward in the beginning, but after reading the books and getting to know Jacob more, I realized just how stupid it had all turned out. So I googled “Twilight Fanfiction”, and found FFn. Not long after, I found my way on Jacob Black N Pack. Through JBNP, I found outlets into a lot of different communities. I was briefly an admin on Phase Fics, helping with their affiliates and using Twitter. Then YOU came and asked me to help with Printing Paws :-) I also worked with Impassionate Magic and Happy Ever After Project with graphics. Then I was an admin on Jacob Black N Pack with Jake’s Girl, EnjoyyourJacob, jakejunkie, Niamhg, as well as you and Wolf Girl Cheri - and I loved that more than anything!! I was very sad to see it go, which was why I stepped away from awhile. We all had our own lives and needed to reassess what we were doing… But I’ve very glad to be back!!
Q: It was really sad when JBNP closed! It had been a home for authors, readers, and fans for so many years. We should stay with the nice things though, like the friendships built there! Many of my friends have also left, but to other fandoms... Do you support any other fandom?
A: I’ve considered getting into other fandoms. I loved the community I found in Twi, but nothing quite captured my attention or heart the same way Twi did. I love the TV shows Criminal Minds and Bones… the first fandom I was in was for the TV show The OC. So I’ve done shows before… I’d probably be into The Hunger Games if I finished the books… But Twi was SO big, I’m not sure another fandom would be quite the same…
Q: Yeah, this is something I've only seen in the Twi-fandom so far. The love and support on the Twilight world is one of a kind. Talking about love, does your family and friends know about Goldengirl2707?
A: A few people do. My husband makes fun of me *lol* I showed a co-worker my graphics once, and she asked me if I got paid for it. I laughed.
Q: I always wondered who your favorite characters is?
A: My two favorite wolves are definitely Jake and Paul. I loved Jake first as a main character - I wanted better for him. SM seriously gave him the short end of the stick. I fell in love with Paul through fanfiction - since he wasn’t much of a character in the books, I got to know him through other authors, and that was so much fun. And that’s what I love about FF - the characters become what you make them.
Q: Talking about making up... How did you come up with your pen name?
A: My maiden name is Golden… I’ve used a random (not really random, but mostly only relevant to me *lol*) series of numbers in a variety of pen names, and 27 and 07 were 2 I chose.
Q: I really love reading how everyone came up with their pennames! Okay, anything else you'd like to share with us?
A: Are you sure you really want me to keep talking?? *lol*
Q: Well, there are a few more questions I'm gonna ask, so I hope you continue talking!! *laughs* You're an artist, but you also write! How did you start writing fanfiction?
A: As I mentioned, I wrote FF for another fandom in college. I found it on accident, looking for more stuff to read or whatever in that fandom. It was forum style, and very crude, but I found some friends and really enjoyed it. After hating the end of BD, I remembered how much fun I had, and decided to try again.
Q: How do you come up with your story lines?
A: My first long (*cough*unfinished*cough*) multi-chapter was based on a FF I had written in that other fandom. It was choppy and not well written, so I re-worked much of it and tried again.
My 2nd multi-chapter (also unfinished *hangs head in shame*), came from a conversation I believe I had with mrstrentreznor. We both loved Paul, and I wondered what would have happened if Paul had been Bella’s childhood friend instead of Jacob, and what would he have done differently?
I also have an (yeah, yeah, don’t remind me!) unfinished J/B drabble that came from a 500 word challenge on JBNP.
There’s also an (unfinished *insert-sad-panda-here*) 80’s fic challenge I started with several girls a few years back… A Dirty Dancing - Twilight cross over.
All my one-shots have been a part of some contest or from a prompt.
Q: I have a problem, I've been in a writer's block for years now, so I'm asking everyone about this. How do you find inspiration when the ideas just won't flow?
A: That is an excellent question and one I do not have a good answer for!!! (Hence having 5 unfinished fics).
But I’m often inspired by music. My husband likes to listen to rock/metal music, and it’s often so angry that it’s easy to hear the “wolf” in them.
Q: Oh, you're just like me, leaving unfinished stories here and there!! *laughs* Okay, what advice would you give to anyone wanting to start writing?
A: Have fun! Write about something you enjoy. And you should always have a beta or editor. It’s always helpful to have an extra set of eyes to give a new perspective and to help you to push your skills and continue to develop. Don’t get discouraged!
Q: Are you working on anything right now?
A: I’m mostly just trying to get back in the swing of things. I’ve done a few chapters on my J/B drabble, and I need to get over a 2 chapter hump with my P/B… I have several future chapters of that one written, so if only I could get there!!! I’m a very bad example *lol*
Q: I have to ask... Are you writing or have you written any original work?
A: I’ve been writing poetry since I was very young. That’s where all my original stuff is. I have no concepts for any original novels. Although, I have been told that I should write down the things I experience with my students (I teach special needs preschool, and the kids do the funniest stuff!!!).
Q: You should definitely write down those experiences! How long have you been writing your poetry?
A: I was involved with a student fiction club when I was young and went to several state competitions, but I was much younger then. I’ve been a writer most of my life - I love words. My family was very surprised I went into teaching instead of journalism.
Q: Have you thought about self publishing any of those original works?
A: Um, no. *lol* I applaud the cojones that people have to do that, but I’m certainly not there yet!!
Q: We'll have a talk one of these days about this! Lol. Janice, thanks so much for taking the time! I had a lot of fun finding out more about you!
Q: For all of you who haven't seen her work, I think you should check her out!
You can find her on:
Great interview, guys!
ReplyDeleteGG has done so many banners for me as mrstrentreznor, over the years, and I adore them all. It’s the extra work she puts in that people may not even notice. In a few of the chapter banner she made for my story ‘Best friends share everything’, the scrabble pieces add up, the sales docket from the shopping page has a 100% staff discount, and naked Quil vacuuming, she did a manip to replace the face with ‘my Quil’ - you can’t ask for better than that! I was so worried that people would think she could only make pages that looked like photo album pages, but that was the point of the story - it was Embry’s album that Bella made for him. Too funny, that that is how she actually started. With Creative Memories?!
Poetry? Who knew? Clever thing.
Thank you both, that was fun and interesting.
Awww, such lovely, talented ladies! So happy to see you two still blessing ficster's out there and finding ways to share your talents and visions with the world. You are two of the timeless treasure's I'll always carry in my heart from TwiTimes. You both helped create so much of the visual beauty that was our Fandom ! You brought fantasies to life that only lived in the minds of other wolf girls - Your art was painted poetry - Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with so many people, Thank you for still being supportive of each other! Good luck with everything you both choose to do. ** I think graphics for self pubbing authors is a great place to focus Janice ; ) What ever you both do - people will be lucky to have you! Hugs. Great job on the interview - so proud of you both!
ReplyDeleteThank you to all three of you!!! You guys are what made the fandom worth it to me!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're back! I still love the banner you made called 'Secret Rendezvous' which I took for a one shot. It was such a great prompt for my muse. Love your work!!