Either she's writing or creating beautiful banners and manips... how does she do it? Check out this interview and find out more about Cat Rhodes!
Q: Hi, Cat! Ready to share all your secrets? You and I started bonding because of graphics, s we'll start with that topic. What led you to start making graphics?
A: My first attempt at a graphic was, I think, in 2011. It was for my Fix You story, and it was terrible. Lol. I LOVE making manips, I think they're--as well as my writing--a strong passion of mine. I honestly can't remember the first manip I did, but I try to do them as often as possible. Vidding...hmmm, lol. I tried that a few times and to be honest, I don't think it’s my cup of tea. It's too time consuming--for me anyway. I think I took about 3 weeks to make a video for one girl who asked and whenever I see it I cringe. lol.
Q: Lol. I think we all cringe at the sight of our first attempts at everything! But we learn from this, and we can improve. Talking about learning, how did you learn how to create banners/manips? Have you taken graphic design classes or are you self-taught?
A: I use Gimp and Photoshop touch (for iPads and tablets). I just kind of bought the PST one day and started fiddling around with it. Everything I know I've mainly taught myself or watched a few tutorials.
Q: Which of your Graphic designs are you most proud of?
A: I'm most proud of my manip of Jake and the baby. I'm not sure why...maybe it's because of the story it belongs to? The story is very close to my heart. Plus I just love the graphic. It makes me smile.
Q: This is adorable, sweet and sexy! There's something about men holding babies that just makes me drool! Lol. Talking about likes, what do you enjoy more during the process of creating graphics? And what do you dislike the most?
A: I like the colouring process. You could create something absolutely terrible, but if you have the right lighting, colouring, etc, it doesn't look half bad. Lol.
My worst is adding quotes. I'm terrible with them. I'm always putting them in the wrong place or not getting the colour of the writing right. It's a mess. Lol.
Q: How long does it generally take you to make a graphic?
A: Depends. If I'm completely focused I can take around ten minutes, but if I'm having trouble then maybe a couple of days. I have to find the right texture and pictures. If I don't, I scrap it and start again.
Q: I know what you mean! If you’re inspired and have all the correct elements, you can do a graphic in a moment, if not, it can take you a lot of time. Do you have any favorite artist(s)?
A: Yourself, obviously. ;) OTB, Minn and Eva on FWAR. They're amazing artists. I'm sure there's more but I've gone blank. :/
Q: Thanks! Now, we’ve all started at some point, right? And I would have liked to have a mentor to guide me through this learning how to create graphics process. What would you recommend new graphic makers?
A: Gosh. Ummm, just take your time. Don't be rushed by anything and always go with what works for you. Find your own style. :)
Q: If someone wants to request a graphics from you, how can they contact you?
A: I have a shop thing on FWAR where people can post requests. Or they can find me through my email or Facebook.
Q: I could talk about graphics all day with you, but I’m sure everyone wants to know more about you. Especially about your writing. How did you end up in the world of fanficiton?
A: I think it was after I watched New Moon or Eclipse. I hated the way Jacob was given the rough end of the deal, so I searched for Twilight fanfiction one night and found FF.net.
I started writing a Valentine's Day story for Jake and Bella.
Q: You have posted many stories. How do you come up with your story lines?
A: Half of the time I could be doing something as simple as cooking or taking my dog for a walk, and they'll just come to me. My problem is creating titles. Lol.
Q: I have the inverse problem… I’m good at giving titles to stories, I’m just bad at writing the rest. Lol. Okay, so you get the idea, then how do you deal with the rest… do you plan an outline or you start writing as it comes to you?
A: I do try. For example, I outlined the rest of my Unexpected Happiness (FFnet | FWAR) story and then I'll see something or hear something and want to add in and my outline goes out the window. Lol. So now I've just started writing what comes to me.
Q: What happens when the ideas just won't flow… how do you get over writer's block?
A: Ugh. This is the bane of my existence. I loathe writer's block. I can go months without writing a word and then I'll get hit by some inspiration...well, enough to complete a chapter. Then I'm right back to square one. Mainly I just try to forget about it for a while, or try reading or writing something else. It doesn't always work but it's worth a try, right?
Q: If you say so, I’ll try this. I’ll let you know in the next years. Lol. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start writing?
A: Don't. Lol! Jokes, jokes. Just write whatever you want to write. Don't be put off by harsh or negative reviews. Write for you, not for other people. Some readers get so invested in the story that they will try and tell you what to put in the next chapter, or they start complaining that the couple hasn't kissed yet or been intimate, but you have to take things at your pace. Writing is like a relationship. If you force it, it won't work. Let things flow. Have fun. Write what you know.
Q: Excellent advice! As a writer, I think you might see everything: good reviews, bad ones, learning new themes and do research of topics you have no idea about. What were your biggest learning experience(s) or surprise(s) throughout the writing process?
A: To have an open mind and not expect too much.
Q: If you had to pick your favorite story, which one would it be?
A: Unexpected Happiness (FFnet | FWAR) and my Roar! (FFnet | FWAR) one-shot. Both are close to my heart.
Q: Does your family know you write?
A: My hubs knows I write fanfiction and his family know I write, but they don’t know what. My family have no clue. Lol. I prefer it that way. :)
Q: Many authors have started to write original work now. Is that your case? And if so, how long have you been doing it?
A: I am. :) About a month. Lol.
Q: That’s great news! Have you thought about self-publishing?
A: I have, but I'm a little dubious. I want to but I'm scared that being on a deadline will send Mrs. Muse running for the hills. At the moment writing is something I do for fun. I'd hate to take the fun out of it by making it my work.
Q: So it’s not your goal to become a full time writer?
A: No. My goal is to write what makes me happy. If I become a published author in the future, that would be awesome, but I'm not pinning my hopes on it.
Q: To be a writer takes a lot of time, and if you don’t do it for fun, I think it turns out to be any other job where you need to follow a routine, and eventually it might get boring. So I think it’s great you’ve decided to write for fun. You’re a writer, graphic maker… Do you still have time to read? If so, what does a story need to grab your attention? And what do you prefer not to read?
A: Romance. A good title and summary.
I won't read anything with Jacob and Nessie. I just can't. I won't read anything with infidelity--fanfiction or otherwise.
Q: Which are your favorite fanfics? And favorite books?
A: Let Me See You Stripped, Doing The Unthinkable and Just Stay With Me by Shadowinghope. The Fragrant Taste of Rain by Pavarti.
Favourite books....hmmm...that's a tough one. I love Tillie Cole. Her Sweet Home, Sweet Rome and Sweet Fall stories are just...wow. Bad For You by Abbi Glines. Collide and Pulse by Gail Mchugh. Taint by S. L. Jennings. Gosh, I have tones. Lol.
Q: Who’s your favorite character?
A: Jacob Black. I love how passionate, fiery, protective and slight hot-headed he is. He just ticks all my boxes. :D
Q: If the story of your life would be turned into a movie... which actress/actor would play your part? Which other actors would you like to see in that movie? And what genre would your movie be about?
A: It’s funny you should ask this, because a few week ago I took one of the quiz things on Facebook about who’d play me...and I got Anna Kendrick. I’m pretty cool with that! She’s an awesome chick. Very talented.
I’d love for my film to be a romance but drama could be fun as well.
Taylor Lautner would play my love interest. LOL! Or maybe Colton Haynes. :D
I also love Angelina Jolie. She’s grown considerably in the last few years and she’d make an excellent mother figure.
Q: Last question, Is Cat Rhodes your real name? If not, how did you come up with your penname?
A: Well, I’m known by most as Cat Rhodes or Rhodes11. Cat Rhodes came about because my first name is Catherine, but I hate being called that, so I shortened it to Cat. And the Rhodes part was because I went on holiday to Rhodes in Greece in 2011 and loved it.
Q: Okay, one more question! I can’t help it! Have you met fandom people in real life?
A: I haven’t met anyone in real life, but the people I have become friends with, and the people I’m still friends with, mean more to me that my real life friends. Especially one person and she knows who she is. I hope to meet her one day. :)
Q: I’m sure you and that person will meet soon! Thanks for sharing, Cat! This was fun! I couldn’t get to do this face to face, but I certainly know you a little more about you now!
If you want to leave some love to Cat, you can find her here:
Facebook | FF.net | My FWAR | My FWAR Five Star Ficster page
You can also see Cat's portfolio here: http://freewritersandreaders.ning.com/group/twisted-life-graphics/forum/topics/kitty-s-graphics-gallery
Facebook | FF.net | My FWAR | My FWAR Five Star Ficster page
You can also see Cat's portfolio here: http://freewritersandreaders.ning.com/group/twisted-life-graphics/forum/topics/kitty-s-graphics-gallery
Awesome... you can use Gimp? I gave up on it; just took too much time for me to work out how to do the simplest things. They all looked like scrapbook pages!
ReplyDeleteOf course Jake is your favourite.
Keep writing those ideas down.