Sunday, January 12, 2014

I'm here with the amazing MelingQuimLover. Some of you might know her as PaintMeUndone (PMU). For me, it's Mandy.

She writes, makes beautiful graphics and administrates blogs. Not to mention she's an absolute genius at web designing – make sure you follow her Tumblr page to check out her beautiful work.

I’ll just leave it that I adore her as a person and as an artist-writer-designer! So fandom, make yourselves comfortable and get to know Mandy!

Q: Mandy, are you ready? Let's start with something easy. How did you end up in the world of fanficiton?

A: I wouldn’t even know how to answer this if it stared me in the face. It’s been a while (like ten years ago) but I guess it always starts with a movie and a pairing that doesn’t happen or the way you want it to, or maybe it does but you're left feeling half full. Like it’s not enough and you need an outlet to that gives you what you want. Does that make sense?

Q: That makes perfect sense. I think we've all joined the fandom because of that. You and I, we met on the Twilight fandom, but do you support any other fandom?

A: I’m a huge Thor/Avengers fan right now (mainly obsessed with Loki/Darcy)! But have a major crush on Arrow (go team Olicity!) and Hunger Games (who doesn’t love that?!). And of course, The Amazing Spider-Man – total Gwen/Peter lover here.

Q: Nice! So (as you must know!) most superheroes have secret identities ... what about? Are you in the Fandom-closet? Does your family know you come online, create and write about your favorite characters?

A: Hell no! They know about my tumblr account with my art postings, but they absolutely (hands down) do not know I write fanfiction or read it. We all have our guilty pleasures and this is mine. Plus, the amount of smut I write, I wouldn’t be able to show my face to them.

Q: Talking about Tumblr, do you have any other favorite sites to visit?

A: I’m an avid reader, so I hang out on Archive of Our Own a lot. But I'm a huge Tumblr whore – seriously… it’s insane.

Q: You just mentioned you're an avid reader. Do you have any favorite stories? Fanfiction, books?

A: Books, I could be here all day. But ones I will re-read any day are the Hush, Hush Saga and of course, The Hunger Games Trilogy.

Favorite completed fic, well at the moment that would be The Blood Diamond Tide by OfRavenWings (Thor – Loki & Darcy). Total angst fest in the best kind of way.

As for WIP’s, well, just check out my subscription list on A03 or Story Follow list on FFnet.

Q: You've mentioned some characters a couple of times now, Loki and Darcy mostly... if you'd have to chose one character, who would it be?

A: Well, at the moment, Loki from Thor, because his depth of emotions are so conflicted and twisted based on the lies he was feed his entire upbringing. I mean, he was a pawn in a game and didn’t even know it. But he is known as the God of Mischief, Chaos, and Lies. And it’s rather fitting that lies is what turned him into the man he ended up being.

But I will always have a soft spot for Leah and Jasper from Twilight – their background stories should be enough to explain why I love them. Volatile and emotional tortured by those who were “supposed” to have loved them.

Q: It's funny you mention Leah. Mandy here used to own She Wolf Awards, a blog based on Leah Clearwater, she posted her awesome banners and manips there... Do you own any blog now? Where can we find your goodies?

A: I am currently setting up a new blog – Art for You with the lovely Stella aka YOU (DCMLL). It will be a fully functional graphics adoption site with contests throughout the year, covering a variety of fandoms!

You can follow though all my art postings on tumblr under “MandyArtInk”.

Q: Yeah, that's right! We're working on that blog! *whispers to Mandy* Let's change the subject and keep them wanting more about this project! Shhh! *wink* How did you come up with your penname?

A: Well, I used to go by pmu (paintmeudone) but once I left the twi fandom I wanted to change it and reinvent myself. So I came up with “mewlingquimlover”. And those that follow me as an author, know I write in a prose style manner. And I’m a huge poetry person and love anything from the The Elizabethan Theatre period – William Shakespeare, Thomas Kyd, and Francis Beaumont to name a few. So I guess with a flair for all that and a love for mythology, mewling quim lover seemed perfect because it's poetic with a raunchy twist. And let’s be honest, Shakespeare’s work half the time bordered on erotic topics if you understand them.

Q: Oh, I had no idea this new penname was based on that! I love reading about this kind of stuff. Tell us more, any secrets you'd like to share?

A: I love to read fluff when I’m in an angst comma from so many emotional fics (I can’t believe I’m admitting that).

Q: Oh my God! Who would have guessed?! Don't worry, I won't bring this up ever again! Even though I'm seriously loving all these things I never knew about you, I have to ask you about something we both love... Let's talk about graphics! How did you get started creating graphics? What led you to start making them?

A: This goes back to my original love – Leah Clearwater. I thought Julia Jones was beautiful and people didn’t see it but needed to! So she became the main subject of so many of my graphics in the beginning.

Q: Yeah! You're really good at portraying her depth and angst in a beautiful way. I always wondered how you created these amazing banners. What program do you use? And how did you learn how to use it?

A: I use GIMP a lot, but sometimes use Photo-Shop/Adobe CC. Self taught and watched YouTube tutorials. And I’m still learning new things all the time!

Q: Yeah! You must be willing to learn all the time. Specially when there are always new techniques, programs and scripts. By the way, how long have you been doing this?

A: Um… let’s see… 4 years? I think that is correct.

Q: That's a long time! I guess you've created lots of graphic along these years. Do you remember the first graphic you’ve ever made?

A: I have no idea, but I’m sure it would make me cringe to look at it.

Q: The first time you try something new usually doesn't go pretty well, but it couldn't be that bad! Okay, so if you're not showing us your first banner, then which of your graphic designs are you most proud of and why?

A: I wanted to do a portrait of Loki looking soft and I have recently wanted to get back into the first style I started doing when I was younger – anime/manga. So for this one, I did a digital sketch/painting and heightened some of the features on his face. Mainly his eyes and cheek bones because I wanted to favor Tom Hiddelston still some way in it. Plus, this is a prime example of learning something new for me – how to do eyes that are piercing.

Q: My birthday is in August, you have enough time to do something similar to this by that time, right? *giggles* This is beautiful! It looks like you had a lot of fun doing it! Speaking about fun, I always wanted to ask you, what do you enjoy more when creating? And what do you dislike the most?

A: I love the chaos of it, how it always starts off looking like a hot mess until you render it into what you want. Sometimes though, getting crisp lines on a subject matter can be a real bitch – like close up a face with a solid background and no shadow work.

Q: Creating can be a beautiful chaos if you know how to work it out at the end! So apart from making banners, do you create any other graphics? Videos? Manips? Drawings?

A: I do it all – hand drawings and anything digital wise. However, I’ve never done videos, ubber jealous of the ladies who do that.

Q: They are pretty awesome! I'd love to learn how to make videos too! Talking about learning, what advise would you give to someone who's just started creating banners?

A: Do it because you love it. And don’t think you’re the best, there is always something you can learn or improve upon. And always, always, always challenge yourself to try something new!

Q: That's a good piece of advise! Okay, last question about graphics, what if a writer wants to request one of your goodies? How can they contact you?

A: Unfortunately, I don’t take requests anymore. My life is insane. So when I make stuff, it will be placed on the Art for You (opening soon!) site as an adoptable. You can email me through the site as well – either me or Stella (DCMLL) will respond back to you.

Q: So you're no longer taking graphic requests, that's too bad! I love your banners, well at least I know you're still writing! Why or how did you start writing fanfiction?

A: Because I always end up loving the pairings that never happen, so it’s how I get my own HEA.

Q: Your stories are beautiful in a dark way, they are full of angst. How do you come up with your story lines?

A: That’s a loaded question! Normally, I’m inspired by a song or a picture. Sometimes an emotion I get when watching something.

Q: So you see an image, for example, and start writing as it comes to you or do you plan an outline first?

A: I do an outline if I know it’s going to be lengthy in depth story. If not – just a one shot or mini series – I just write when the emotions hit me.

Q: Life can be quite busy sometimes. How do you find time to write?

A: I’ve trade sleep to write, excuse my stack of coffee mugs pilling around me.

Q: Writers sometimes go through 'Writer's Block', do you have any tips to get over this block?

A: I listen, I mean, I listen to things. You know, those lyrics in a song, or that speech in the movie or that paragraph from a script in a play. Look it up – read it, say it out loud, listen to it – when you replay. You will be amazed at what you have missed and how that can inspire you.

Q: So keeping inspired is very important when writing. Any advice you would give to anyone wanting to start writing?

A: Don’t write what everyone else has written – be different and not scared of your original ideas. And if you’re going to do angst, don’t write to shock readers – blurring the lines between angst and shock is a wonderful line to sit on, but do it the right way and with a solid plot to sell it, to make it right.

But most of all write something that you will love and see it to the finish line, rather you receive 0 reviews or a 1,000 reviews. So I guess you can screw everything else I just said.

Q: Are you working on anything right now?

A: I have two new projects I am working on - Struggle Just a Little More (Thor – Loki/Darcy) and Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Thor/Avengers Crossover – Tony S./Darcy) - A03/FFnet.

Plus a multi-chaptered Arrow fic (Oliver/Felicity) - AO3/FFnet - that is being plotted out.

Q: Many fanfic authors are now writing original stories. Are you writing any original work?

A: Yes! But I am currently reconstructing it. Wild Ones: Son of a Bad Man.

Q: How long have you been writing this story?

A: Not long – it’s my first attempt at an original.

Q: I'm excited to hear about this! Have you thought about self publishing?

A: I have and I’m going to – it’s my goal this year.

Q: I can't wait to see the result of this original story! Mandy, thanks so much for taking the time and being so patient answering all my questions! For all of you who know her, I hope you've find out new things about her here (I certainly did!). For all you who don't know her, have a look at her writings and art! You won't be disappointed!

You can find her on:

Find out who would be the next interview with by subscribing to my blog (type your email under "Follow by email" on the sidebar →). Let's get to know one another!

1 comentarios:

  1. Loved this interview! I love PMU/ MewlingQuimLover she was the first person to ever make a banner for me! It's great to know she's going to publish this year. I will stay tuned and most definitely buy!
